Friday, December 10, 2004

Xmas Time Is Here?

I really don't think that Xmas is a time for celebrating.
We have a war in Iraq, and problems here at home.
Buying "Boys's Toys" will not solve any problems,
except make retailers and Wall Street happy.
Xmas is a time for reflection, being with friends and family,
and celebrating the real reason for this year.
If I need to spell that out, you are a pagan.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Gmail Fear?

I've recently see a web site that says Gmail is spooky.
They are upset with Google privacy policy, and are fearful
that their lives will be taken over by this new Gmail .
It has 1gb of storage and no need to delete emails.
This is what freaks them out.
So what?
All Web site are collection information on you, even Yahoo.
Is Google and Gmail any different?
As for the web address, just use the Google search box,
type Gmail. You'll see it.
Have fun reading a rant of a jackass.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

the Death of Arafat

It was sad to hear that he died in a paris military hospital.
it was interesting to watch the bread-minded french give
him a nice send of from france to eygpt.
Bush and Blair think that now that he is dead, they can solve
the Middle East Crises.
Split Jerusalem in Two!!!
Oh? Do you think that the Isreal will agree?
But, no.
You're lawyers, you can't!!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Get a life after the presidential election

Get a life after this election.
it is too bad that we democrats lost, but that's just the way it goes.
the very people who voted for him we soon be on the streets as homeless folks.
they'll get their just deserts.
I really don't care to help those who voted the wrong way.
let them die a slow death-economically.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Why trust CBS?

Trust Lou Dobbs screams CNN.
After this recent debacle with CBS, I'm inclined not to trust
Lou Dobbs or anyone else
that reports the national or local news.
New is always presented with a slant.
One always omits certain pieces of information, if it
doesn't the wishes of the owners of the news corporation.
To survive,
Be a cynic went viewing any news story.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Sept 11th

Tomorrow is that new day of infamy.
Still the president has not done anything.
we pay for his inability with american lives.
the vet's will have a lot of poltical influence this election.
I'll vote.
Will you?

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The first week of the summer Olympics

This first week of the Summer Olympics has gone well so far. It would be more interesting if their were not so many commercials, but then NBC and the rest couldn't sell the Olympics. I can hear the Ad persons licking their collective lips in anticipation of the money they will make.
Also, let us not forget that the American Football season will begin next month, which will give them more opportunities to sell their souls to the devil. But then, if money is only thing one lives for, what does it matter about that puny soul?
One needs money, one loves money,and to hell with love and the soul.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Just before the Summer Olympics

The Games are here from Athens, Greece.
I will watch it, for it will be an historic moment.
I will be a welcome diverson form the Bush and his preoccupation with Sept. 11th.
Another diversion is to watch classic movies on tv or just buy DVD's.
The simplest expalnation is the truth!

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Fourth of July, 2004

Why is it that everyone is so patriotic on this day?
So, it is the political birthday of the United States ,but to most people it is just
an excuse to have a barbecue, get drunk, get laid, and watch or set off some fireworks.
Does anyone care about those in this country that are poor?
I guess not.
We are a pagan country.
We are only nominally Christian.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

September 11th committee

Hindsight is a great virtue, but it does nothing for those who have died.
Committees can do nothing but pin the blame for death on someone else.
Americans are too fat and content. It is too bad that the Bsuh Administration is incompetent.
God may be on George W. Bush's side, but He can't vote.
Enough said.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Summer season and vacations

Summer is upon us.
Bush want us to stay home.
He can't find his personal terrorist!
He talks like a wood door.
He had a lot pipe dreams.
I hope he looses the election for president this November.
He can have his pipe dream by himself.
I don't need them or him.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

World war two memorial dedication

So they finally dedicated a memorial to those veterans of world war two.
Why is it that the USA has to be in a war before we dedicate a war memorial?
I guess the veterans were to busy getting rich and laid to even want to do this in the past, and had to wait until they were all old and wise, (although I don't wisdom comes from being old) and there was a damned cowboy in the white house to have a dedication.

Don't get me wrong.
I really am thankfully for what was done to save the world from the evils of the time. The world would be in worse shape if the war hadn't turned out they way it did.
but, could they have not done this earlier?
