Friday, November 09, 2012

Obama vs Romney

So, we are  all finally done with the presidential election until 2016.
And Obama has won by 303 to 206 electoral votes, with the exception
That Florida hasn't made up it's mind.


Let's move on with our lives.
Let's try to be civil with each other,
Even though some people have jobs,
And others don't,
Or are waiting for their old job to
come down from heaven for them.
I think a lot of people are just slackers, and
should be living in the streets anyway.
Commit a serious crime, and you can get
free room and board for the rest of your
slacker life.
No video games though.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Culture of death

Recently, I visited my mother's grave site, or rather my mother's and father's grave site.
I thought ,"Why is that people discard the old and young?"
"Why is that people are more concerned about keeping the youth full good looks?"
"Yet they will not visit any of their aged relatives, or parents, except to complain
about the lack of service they get if they do visit,or how expensive it is to keep them alive?"
If we all think that we are going to live forever young, then I fear we will soon find out that we
will soon all be living in retirement (?!) homes in our filth.That will serve us right for not  caring.
Adios, crap heads.
I hope you attempts to stay young give you a incurable disease that the malpractice lawyers
can profit from.
After all we all have to make a profit on someone, don't we.
