Sunday, December 03, 2006

Xmas Season?

So it is Xmas 2006.
All I hear is how popular games are.
PSP, XBOX,etc.
I care only for the kindness of people this season.and
I'm not going to overspend my credit cards.
Why not, you say?
Remember Tax time is just around the corner.
If you local Macy's doesn't make a lot of money, so what?
Are they going to pay your Taxes next year?
Do think they really care?
Don't buy stuff this XMAS.
Do it after Tax time. You'll confuse the government!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Foolish Man

Lord, I’m a foolish man

To be sung to the tune of I’m a rambling man

I’m a foolish man.

I’ve got a loving wife and kids,

My farm and ranch is making money,

At least I’m not in too much debt,

And still I complain to anyone that can hear.

I’m a foolish man,

My cousin’s son enrolled in the Marines

He got killed in Iraq by a land mine,

We held a memorial for him,


I wish he was here so I could abuse him.

I’m a foolish man,

I go to services every Sunday,

I try to understand what the preacher is saying,

But is seems to go out the other ear,

I want to try my neighbor’s young girl.

I’m a foolish man,

I can’t let other people ,

Live their lives the way they want to,

They must be like me and think like me,

Or else they are terrorists.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Wal-Mart Bags

Wal -Mart bags are good for two things:
  1. For carry out.
  2. Doubled up bags are great for gathering and throwing away 3 lbs of dog feces,
  3. which reminds me a lot of the President , George W. Bush.
I hope you liked this thought, if not I don't care,and It doesn't bother me that you don't.
So there.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Memorial Day 2006

While other blogs whine,
We should think about the cost of freedom.
The honored dead want us to get on with living.
By being tough in business, and politics , we
honor those who died for our right to do what we want.
The Government has no right to
monitor our cell phones, our travel abroad or
within the USA, nor do they have the right to monitor
the Internet.

We are resonsible adults (Well most of use are).
We can monitor ourselves, Thank You.
Have a nice and safe Memorial Day!

Monday, April 10, 2006


We are a pill popping nation.
We want our cheap legal drugs,
From Canada or from anywhere
Else we can get them.
This should not be a surprise.
The 60's and 70's use of illegal drugs
has finnaly caught up with the hippies who are working conservative business.
Be young! Pop a Pill!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Death in the Family

It is hard when something like this occurs.
Even when one is not close.
One tries to fine something good to say, but words don't come.
She was a fine person, while she was here.
I'm sorry that I wasn't very close.
C'est La vie!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Valentine Day

Valentine's Day is the time for "couples" to
say "I Love You."
Give flowers or a diamond ring or take them out to a dinner and a movie.
Why waste your time?
You'll love the other person only on Valentine's Day,
the rest of the time you hate their guts.
Just like the other holidays.
Families get together only on Thanksgiving and Xmas.
Hate each other the rest of the year.
