Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year??

Do you automatically wish your close friends a "Happy New Year"?
Even though they don't have a job?
Even though they've lost their home?
Even though they've lost they kids through divorce?
Do you really care about them or would your prefer not to care--
Oh My God, It hurts my peanut brain to care!!!
Good luck in 2010, I hope you fail at everything you try!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

He has died.
His followers of the child molester as sad and broken.
Some may even slit their wrists in a blood offering.
The rest of us who are sane, and are working for a living will get on with it.
Goodbye, Mister.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Greed (Definition from

A selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions.

If all of us humans would
buy only what we need,
eat when we are hungry,
invest when we need to,
We would not suffer from
Investment scams, and
CEO's with excessive wages.

Will we ever learn?
I will, you won't.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama

On a cold January day he was sworn in.
The first black or some would say the first nigger in the White House.
I hope he will fix, no castrate those fellows who got us into this depression.
Those nice fellows on wall street who over speculated on various schemes,and took too many chances.
We need our jobs back so we can spend money again.
We need our confidence back that we can live in our homes
without the fear of losing it.
We need to help others in the world who want to be helped.
Let us pray that Barack Hussein Obama will be able with our help
and with Congress to lead us back to our prosperity.
