Saturday, November 26, 2005

Black Friday

So, we Americans have to spend our money this Xmas Season.
This will make us very happy.
Is that why people are so shallow?
IPOD's and Cell phone's are more important than relationships, eh?
I really don't care if retail stores of whatever company make money this year.
If we are in a recession it is because of our election choices last presidental year.
How do fix our recesion?
We don't.
We suffer.
And buying more isn't going to make use happy, 'cause as Americans
If this offends you, tough.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Only the rich survive.
The poor of New Orleans get let in the muddy water and die of disease.
We are so good in hiding our poor that went an event like this happens,
all we can do is,
"Oh my god! Did you see that!"
Put your IPOD back on and never mind.
We don't care really.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Lewis and Clark?

Lewis And Clark?
Who the shit are they?
Who cares about their journey in 1804-1805
through this god-forsaken state?
They were the precursor of the wars between the Native Americans
and the Whites.
The people who came after
brought alcohol, and disease.
They passed through.
I don't hear of Oregon celebrating.
Maybe they have more brains than the people of Montana.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Baghdad Again!

No one care about the bombings in Baghdad.
Yes, it is a terrible thong when American die, but they knew this will happen when they went over there.
But, we don't care to find out and capture and execute these bombers,
when they do their dastardly deeds.
As long as Muslims get killed, it doesn't matter.
As soon as a stable government is established that is American friendly, as a counterpoise to Iran, We will get the hell out of there.
This is American Policy for the year 2005.
If you don't like it, go live in Europe.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Coming of Spring

It's not going to make any difference to the IRA if Sin Finn disassociates themselves from them. They will just go one doing their violence and terrorism despite the world disapproval.

They will not stop 'till their enemies are all dead,and they are the sole victors.
This means that ever single person who speaks English must be killed, every single person and government that favors peace must be killed. Peace will only come when the IRA are the masters of the world and the Irish are master of their own lives.

This is the legacy of the Irish. They are a proud and stiff necked people, just like the Jews. It is too bad that they can't learn from the Holocaust the price of stubbornness.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Baghdad voting

Just like America.
60% turnout.
I hope they know what they are doing.
For we Americans certainly don't.
And It is stupid to think that suicide bombers will stop
those who want to vote.
Tell those who don't,
Tough luck, you didn't vote, so you live with a government you don't like.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Asian tsunami

I am sorry about this tsunami .
We Americans don't really care about
these groups of filthy Asians and their problems.
Don't you know that it is only Europeans
that are helping, while we sent in the
To bad we couldn't sent them in the shoot them all.
Then we'd solve the population problem.
Americans care only about themselves.

America Right or Wrong!
Whoo-Hoo! Let go have a beer!!
